Friday, January 29, 2010

7 Minutes in Heaven...

I designed this blog to chronicle my life going from good to great. I came across this article on (which I found from someone I'm following on twitter @languageinga. I highly recommend you follow him if you're on twitter. Always posting really cool articles about happiness, self-esteem, and the like).
Anyway...the name of the article is "7 Questions You Must Answer to Have a Fantastic Life." I could answer some but not all. I guess that means I don't have a fantastic life...yet. So I'm challenging myself to discover what I really want out of life. Wish me luck!

1. What makes your heart beat with excitement?
-Fresh air & Sunshine

2. What would be one thing to make you happy?
-Owning a horse (or a Mustang convertible!)
3. What are you constantly thinking of day and night?

4. What do you want to do with the rest of your life?

5. What makes you feel successful when you do it?
-Helping others solve problems
-Making someone else smile or feel good
-Finishing a book

6. What are your obsessions, passions?
-animals, especially dogs
-chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream

7. What one thing makes you jump for joy every time you do it or see it done by others?

It's okay to have multiple answers for a question. The response that shows up multiple times is what you live for.
As I come up with more answers I'll post them.

So what does a fantastic life look like for you?  I'd love to hear about it!

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